World Review of Political Economy

World Review of Political Economy

World Review of Political Economy, a quarterly, peer-reviewed title, published by Pluto Journals is the official journal of the World Association for Political Economy. This groundbreaking project has pioneered collaboration between Chinese academics and a Western progressive publisher to produce a Marxist political economy periodical to act as an essential forum for dialogue, cooperation, debate, and the production and sharing of cutting-edge research among leading scholars in China, the English-speaking world and beyond.

Print ISSN: 2042-891X
Online ISSN: 2042-8928

World Review of Political Economy Membership

WAPE has decided to develop itself as a membership organization in order to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, new thought and research across the divide of languages and geography, and offer its members access to certain benefits when joining WAPE including WAPE conference registration.  

Standard Membership. The benefits to be a Standard Member include:

  • Publishing of members’ selected articles on our websites.
  • Translating selected books and articles into Chinese and publishing them in China.
  •  Invitations to attend a variety of conferences in China.
  • Scholars who are members may be invited to China on a lecture tour.
  • Members will be invited to join panels, which WAPE will organize for various international conferences held in different countries.

The membership fee for Standard Members is US$30 per year.

Council Membership. Council Members have the priority over all the benefits offered by WAPE for Standard Members. You will get free hard copies of the World Review of Political Economy (WRPE). Council Members are required to submit one paper to or call for one paper for WRPE, and review one paper for WRPE per year. The membership fee for Council Members is US$100 per year.

Low-income Membership. Low-income Membership is a discretionary rate of US$10 for students, retired and unemployed people, and part-time workers on reduced income

USD: United States (US) dollar ($) ^

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