State Crime Journal
State Crime Journal is administered by the International State Crime Initiative (ISCI). ISCI is a cross-discliplinary research centre working to further our understanding of state crime, that is organisational deviance violating human rights. State Crime Journal is the first peer-reviewed, international journal that seeks to disseminate leading research on the illicit practices of states.
Print ISSN: 2046-6056
Online ISSN: 2046-6064
‘State crime is an indispensable journal for anyone concerned with all forms of official wrongdoing, which should be for all of us’ – Richard Falk (Albert G. Milbank Professor of International Law and Practice Emeritus, Princeton University and Distinguished Honorary Fellow at ISCI)
State Crime is the first peer-reviewed, international journal that seeks to disseminate leading research on the illicit practices of states. The concept of state crime is not confined to legally recognised states but can include any authority that exerts political and military control over a substantial territory (e.g. the FARC). The journals focus is a reflection of the growing awareness within criminology that state criminality is endemic and acts as a significant barrier to security and development. Contributions from a variety of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives are welcomed. Topics covered by the journal include, torture; genocide and other forms of government and politically organised mass killing; war crimes; state-corporate crime; state-organised crime; natural disasters exacerbated by government (in)action; asylum and refugee policy and practice; state terror; political and economic corruption; and resistance to state violence and corruption.
State Crime Journal is biannual, publishing online and in print in April/May and November/December. The electronic journal is archived in Portico. The journal is indexed by Scopus, and the Emerging Sources Citation Index.
The concept of state crime is not confined to legally recognised states but can include any authority that exerts political and military control over a substantial territory (e.g. the FARC).
The Journal’s focus is a reflection of the growing awareness within criminology that state criminality is endemic and acts as a significant barrier to security and development. Contributions from a variety of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives are welcomed. Topics covered by the journal include: torture; genocide and other forms of government and politically organised mass killing; war crimes; state-corporate crime; state-organised crime; natural disasters exacerbated by government (in)action; asylum and refugee policy and practice; state terror; political and economic corruption; and resistance to state violence and corruption.
Editors in Chief
Prof Penny Green (Queen Mary University of London)
Prof Tony Ward (Northumbria University)
Prof Kristian Lasslett (Ulster University)
Dr Thomas MacManus (Queen Mary University of London)
Assistant Editor
Sophie Knowles-Mofford (Queen Mary University of London)
Book Reviews Editor
Dr Dawid Stańczak (Ulster University)
Dr Michael Grewcock (University New South Wales)
Prof Neve Gordon (Queen Mary University of London)
Prof Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Dr Vincenzo Bollettino (Harvard University)
Prof Scott Poynting (Queensland University of Technology)
Prof Jude McCulloch (Monash University)
Prof Sharon Pickering (Monash University)
Dr Elizabeth Stanley (Victoria University)
Dr José Atiles-Osoria (University of Illinois)
Prof Bill Rolston (University of Ulster)
Prof Frank Pearce (Queen’s University)
Prof Ron Kramer (Western Michigan University)
Prof Ray Michalowski (Northern Arizona University)
Prof Martha K. Huggins (Tulane University)
Prof Hilal Elver (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Dr Victoria Mason (Australian National University)
Prof Jeremy Keenan (SOAS, University of London)
Shaazka Beyerle (John Hopkins University)
Dr Rachel Seoighe (University of Kent)
Prof Elisabeth Saatjian Weber (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Dr Hazel Cameron (University of St Andrews)
Prof Jennifer Leaning (Harvard University)
Prof David Whyte (University of Liverpool)
Prof Steve Tombs (The Open University)
Prof Jennifer Schirmer (Harvard University and London School of Economics)
Prof David Kauzlarich (Southern Illinois University)
Dr Sam Raphael (University of Westminster)
Please see the submission guidelines here.
Assistant Editor, Sophie Knowles-Mofford, s.knowles-
International State Crime Initiative
School of Law
Queen Mary University of London
Mile End Road
E1 4NS
Publisher Pluto Journals, evek@plutojournals.com
State Crime Journal is biannual, publishing online and in print in April/May and November/December. The Journal has its own website which can be found here. The electronic journal is archived in Portico. The journal is indexed by Scopus, and the Emerging Sources Citation Index. The journal has been indexed on DOAJ since March 2023.
The journal is Open Access and the Open Access statement, Open Access license terms, copyright terms as well as a statement on its absolute lack of author charges can be found here.
The journal became Open Access on 1 January 2021 and is published open access on ScienceOpen. All journal material published from 1 April 2012 is also published, open access on ScienceOpen. This means the Reuse rights of published material is all under the open CC BY 4.0 license as stated here.
The ethics statement can be found here.