Zanj: The Journal of Critical Global South Studies
Zanj: The Journal of Critical Global South Studies orients itself towards an oppositional intellectual stance that reflects voices too often excluded. The Journal seeks to center positionalities and politics that make a new world in the imagine of the subaltern, the excluded, the Others that are conjured by concepts of the Global South in the current Western order of knowledge, its hegemonic political economies and successive empires.
Print ISSN: 2515-2130
Online ISSN: 2515-2149

Zanj is a transfiguration, an articulation and reiteration of all things non-Western, all things beyond and resistant to, separate from but usually entangled within the West and its (version of) modernity. A space for South voices, South knowledge and methods, interventions, histories, reclamations, perspectives, scholarship. The Journal seeks to provide a uniquely engaged scholarly space for Global South perspectives that otherwise might not make it into the academic industrial complex.
The Journal is published twice a year. The electronic journal is archived in Portico.
International Journal of Critical Diversity Studies (IJCDS) aims to provide an undisciplinary platform for critical engagement with hierarchies of power that create and sustain privilege and oppression along axes of difference. Areas of interest include the constructions of social locations and positionalities; intersections, co-constructions and co-constitutions of systems of oppression; race; gender; sexuality; dis/ability; class; age etc.; the politics of knowledge production; the politics of being and affect; the politics of history and time; the politics of geography and location; reproduction and resistance social injustice; reframing differences. This journal will accept original articles (research and theoretical), commentaries and book reviews.
Jesse Benjamin
Managing Editor:
Aajay Murphy
Associate Editor:
Geoffroy de Laforcade
Production Editors:
Fraternel Amuri Misako and Abdullah Saleh
Advisory Board
Maya Arakon, Suleyman Sah University
Ward Churchill, independent scholar, activist
Carole Boyce Davies, Cornell University
Philippe Dodard, artist, Haiti/Miami
Jesus “Chucho” Garcia, New Orleans, Venezuela
Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni, University of South Africa
Crystal Griffith, Arizona State University
Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Spelman College
Redell Hearn, Mississippi State University
Ismail Khalidi, playwright
Chapurukha Kusimba, American University
Peter Wayne Lewis, Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Firoze Manji, Daraja Press
Noble Maseru, Associate Dean, University of Pittsburgh
Babacar M’bow, Curator, Museum du Civilization Noire
Nuri el Okbi, Association for the Support and Defense of Bedouin Rights in Israel
Liza O’Reilly, legal activist, scholar
Asha Rodney, Esq, Walter Rodney Foundation, Atlanta
Patricia Rodney, CEO, Walter Rodney Foundation, Atlanta
HQ Quan, Arizona State University
Natsu Saito, Georgia State University
Ngugi wa Thiong’o, UC Riverside
Kani Xulam, American Kurdish Information Network
Please see the submission guidelines here.
Journal’s Editor, Dr. Jesse Benjamin, drjessebenjamin@gmail.com
Publisher Pluto Journals, evek@plutojournals.com
The Journal is published twice a year. The electronic journal is archived in Portico.
The journal is Open Access and the Open Access statement, Open Access license terms, copyright terms as well as a statement on its absolute lack of author charges can be found here.
The journal became Open Access on 1 January 2021 and is published open access on ScienceOpen. All journal material published from 1 July 2018 is also published, open access on ScienceOpen. This means the Reuse rights of published material is all under the open CC BY 4.0 license as stated here.