Journal of Indentureship and its Legacies
The Journal of Indentureship and its Legacies, exists to create a unique and unprecedented academic space where the study of indentureship, as a distinct form of unfree labour, can be analysed in all its forms. The Journal is peer reviewed and published bi-annually. No such Journal currently exists anywhere in the world, in spite of the critical importance of indentureship to world history.
Print ISSN: 2634-1999
Online ISSN: 2634-2006
The Journal of Indentureship and its Legacies is a unique and unprecedented academic space where the study of indentureship, as a distinct form of unfree labour, can be analysed in all its forms. No such Journal currently exists anywhere in the world, in spite of the critical importance of the system of indenture to world history.
The Journal is published twice a year, in June and December.
The Journal publishes both academic essays on and creative responses (fiction or poetry) to the study of indentureship. The academic study of indentureship occurs under a number of disciplines (history, geography, language, linguistics, music and sociology), accordingly the Journal publishes pieces in this multi-disciplinary spirit.
David Dabydeen (Emeritus, University of Warwick, UK)
Maria del Pilar Kaladeen (University of London, UK)
Amar Wahab (York University, Canada)
Advisory Board
Grace Aneiza Ali, New York University, USA
Gaiutra Bahadur, Rutgers University, USA
Eddie Bruce-Jones, Birbeck College, London University, UK
Ajay Chhabra, Independent Researcher
Richard Fung, OCAD University, Canada
Andil Gosine, York University Toronto, Canada
Betty Govinden, alumna, University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa
Moon-Ho Jung, University of Washington, USA
Aliyah Khan, University of Michigan, USA
Shivanjani Lal, Independent Researcher
Brij Lal, The Australian National University, Australia
Anne-Marie Lee-Loy, Ryerson University, Canada
Paloma Martin, University of Guyana, Guyana
Heidi Safia Mirza, University of London, UK
Nalini Mohabir, Concordia University, Canada
Patricia Mohammed, University of the West Indies, Jamaica
Satendra Nandan, University of Canberra, Australia
Rajrani Gobin, Mahatma Gandhi Institute, Mauritius
Ken Ramchand, University of the West Indies, Jamaica
Tina Ramnarine, Royal Holloway College, London University, UK
Brinsley Samaroo, University of the West Indies, Jamaica
Nur Sobers-Khan, British Library, UK
Janet Steel, Commonwealth International
Stephanos Stephanides, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Alissa Trotz, University of Toronto, Canada
Mark Tumbridge, University of Guyana, Guyana
Athol Williams, University of Cape Town, South Africa
You can see the Guidelines for Contributors here. Please submit full-length articles (5000-7000 words), photo essays and creative texts (up to 2500 words), and book reviews (1200-1500 words) to:
All submissions (including references) must be formatted using the MHRA style guide available at:
Journal’s Editor, Dr. Maria del Pilar Kaladeen,
Publisher Pluto Journals,
The Journal is published twice a year, in June and December. The electronic journal is archived in Portico.
The journal is Open Access and the Open Access statement, Open Access license terms, copyright terms as well as a statement on its absolute lack of author charges can be found here.
The journal became Open Access with its first edition on 1 September 2021 and is published open access on ScienceOpen. The Reuse rights of published material is all under the open CC BY 4.0 license as stated here.
The journal adheres to the ethical standards endorsed by the Committee on Publication Ethics ( In particular:
- We expect all authors to state in their article if they have a conflict of interest which could potentially bias their opinions – for example funding or employment.
- All named authors on the articles should confirm that they have jointly participated in the research and writing of the article, and that no author has been omitted from the list of authors.
- We require authors to warrant that their articles are original, have not been previously published, and do not plagiarise or otherwise copy someone else’s work without attribution. (If the article is a translation, we are happy to consider this for publication but the authors must inform the editors on submission.)
- We also require authors to warrant that their article does not defame, libel, or bring another person into disrepute, and neither does it contain anything illegal (e.g. copyright infringing).